When you are looking for inspector jobs, or a QAQC job, you want to be sure that you are finding a job that is near to you in location. That will be the best way for you to be able to find a good job without having to move. If you cannot find a job near enough to you, then you want to find a job in an area that will be somewhere you would like to move. This should be the basis of your job search, because your search will turn up jobs all over the country and you need a way to sort through them.
Match your skills and the things that you are already good at with the type of job that you are seeking. This is something that can happen in several ways. First of all, make sure you have provided your application and resume with all necessary and pertinent information. For inspector jobs, and for QAQC jobs, you want to be sure that you have included a list of your qualifications and the things that set you apart from others who might be seeking the same employment. This is going to be very important, because it will help you to see that there are going to be some differences in the way that people approach certain jobs, and if you are able to figure out which types of jobs are going to be best for you, you will also be able to figure out which jobs you should apply for. The best solution is to find a job you will really be able to enjoy.
There are going to be a few things that you need to be sure you are including when you are looking for this type of job. You want to be sure that you have the necessary skills for this position. You must pay attention to detail and have strong leadership skills. These will be important skills for you to promote both in your application and in your resume, because they will help you show that you are going to be a good worker and an excellent leader.
Look at different job listings for QAQC jobs and look at common requirements. Make sure you meet all these requirements and then make sure you address each of them on your resume and in your cover letter. Do not be shy about showing your qualifications. This will help get you a good job which you will be able to enjoy.