When you are looking for quality assurance jobs in technical industries, you will notice that these jobs were routinely filled by people who had a great deal of experience in the company. But nowadays, people who are fresh out of school or who are willing to be trained are being preferred. So you stand a good chance, particularly when there seems to be a boom in this type of jobs.
The minimum qualification for these quality control tech jobs is a masters degree with three years' experience or a bachelor's degree with five years experience or a high school diploma with six experience.
You will also find that when you are looking at quality assurance jobs in the technological field that you will need to have a great deal of hands on, practical knowledge as well. For instance, many companies will not hire quality assurance specialists unless they have a fair amount of experience and good knowledge of the issues on hand. As far as software is concerned, it is not enough just to know how to use it, but you should also know how to code it with the program.
When you are looking for jobs in quality assurance, you will find that there are many different things that you can do to get it. The first thing that you need to think about is your resume. It should directly target the job you are looking at. It should be tailored for the specific field and job. Your resume should showcase your skill rather than the chronological history of your work.
After you have a good resume at your disposal, you should think about networking. There are many who manage to get jobs simply because they know someone. This doesn't mean that they are getting jobs through favoritism. It simply means that they are getting a foot in the door. Networking is essential when you are eyeing a prestigious company. Talk to everyone, and put out the word that you are looking for a job in a particular sector.
Another thing you can do is to search online which throws up many options for posting your resume. Be sure that you are posting your resume in a place that counts. Before subscribing to a site for posting your resume, be sure of the exposure it gives to your resume. So explore the opportunities and take the best that is available.